Plants for people - 1977

BACG History Post #23

Tommy Thompson and Judi Loomis - Lakeview greenhouse
The 1977 growing season marked the beginning of community garden consolidation in Burlington. Garden sites lost at the East Avenue jughandle and UVM water tower were offset by new community gardens in the surrounding towns of Colchester, Winooski, Essex, and South Burlington.

The Lakeview Cemetery greenhouse off North Avenue was put into service starting plants for community gardeners. Tommy Thompson (left) and Judi Loomis coordinated plant distribution.  

A Burlington Free Press article on May 17, 1977 indicated that plots were still available at 14 community garden sites. Gardens for All announced that all other garden sites were filled.

The largest Gardens for All site was the UVM Orchard community garden off East Avenue, as shown in this 1977 aerial view. The Orchard site was one of the original community gardens established in 1973. 

Gardens for All sites 1977